Sunday, January 20, 2008


Brothers & Sisters Carmen,
You have a dilemma before you, one to go back or step into the future. You know what you had from before 1990 until Feb. 2007, do you really want to return to where you have been before. Or do you want to go forward. Brother Rick Phillips had to leave due to his injury, and has offered you Rebecca Gardner as a replacement, well Brother Mills has caused the Local Chairman & President in Erwin to find Sister Gardner ineligible to run, well Tommy Vanover said after the last meeting that he would run for Committeeman if Sister Rebecca was caused to be disqualified, I have spoken with Tommy Vanover and he is ready to run, in her stead.
So brothers & sisters I ask you to cast your vote for Brother Tommy Vanover as your new Committeeman at CORBIN.

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