Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas & New Year

It has again reached the end of the year, good & bad things have happened. The year 2007 brought a new Committeeman for the members at Corbin, the old one just wasn't doing the job, so you voted to have him removed and a new put in his place. We got new personnel hired as apprentices, several old members retired, yet we lost some due to illness, and injury. We have a new contract though we didn't like it and voted against it, we have it anyway wheather we like it or not. We got a little back-pay even though it seems to be not what we expected. But all in all I believe Corbin has come out on top, 14 apprentices now in the training program, and after the first of the year the promise of more apprentices to be hired, with at least 10 men who are due to retire or going on account of disability, the company needs to get these men on the ground training quickly. Now as the new year approaches I have been told to retire on disability by my doctor, so I asked many of the new people if one of them would be interested in the Job as Committteeman, and only one has stated they would take it, so I have recommended that person to the Local Protective Board in Erwin, TN. Local #6477, and I am in hopes that all of you will back this person up. I recommended Rebecca Gardner to replace me upon my leaving due to the injury I received June 6th 2006.

So this maybe the only time I will have to wish all of you a Merry Christmas & a Happy New Year. May God bless each and everyone of you.

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