Sunday, November 25, 2007

Back Pay

The CSX paid the back pay due it's men this past week, and each man was hit for almost 50% of the amount due plus $225.36 for Health & Welfare. We have Apprentices at Corbin 13 to be exact and even though they haven't work near the time the Journeymen have between contracts, the Apprentices received as much or more than several of our Journeymen.

The Members at Corbin are still trying to figure out why we got a contract that all of Corbin's members Voted against, much less trying to figure the new Math the Carrier used in paying the Back Pay.

I have been wanting to do this, so I guess I'll just sick my neck out and do it!

I would like all BRC members in the U.S. to write in this Blog telling myself and the members of this Union, how they and their friends voted on this (new) Contract, I have a feeling that most of the voting members Voted against it! If I am right, which I feel I am the leadership must have taken all the no-VOTES (ballots not mailed in) and turned them into YES's.

I hope not but I would like to know just how my brothers other than Corbin voted.

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